Six Steps Toward Joy:
3. FEEL:
Shift from
thinking to KNOWING. Suspend linear thought analysis and
mind chatter and Breath In the Now of your present
moment AS ENERGY, to connect with your 3-D reality in Direct
Cognition rather than indirect observation. What does NOW
feel like? Answer without words. FEEL.
Six Steps Toward Joy With Others: 3.
Competition, “one-up-man-ship” and passing judgment on
others are ego games that blind you to self-awareness and
empowerment. If situations are approached from a “win-win”
perspective of mutuality, and the highest vision for all is
sought, joyful solutions will prosper.
What is the
highest win-win vision right now? How can we both get our
needs met? Are we respecting each other’s boundaries? How
will I heal or disengage non-mutual relationships?
(Taken from Angelic Realities handbook,
pages 78-80. ©) |